Präsentiert vom Deutschen Robotikverband e.V.
Neura Robotics

"Musk stole the cars from us Germans, we're stealing the robot from him!"

This is what David Reger, CEO and founder of NEURA Robotics, told me today when I visited him on another matter. The visit had been arranged two weeks ago. Coincidentally today his company unveiled "4NE-1", its first humamoid robot. David Reger is serious, as Elon Musk plans to unveil the Tesla Bot tomorrow. It is well known that there are doubts in the industry that Musk can deliver(Handelsblatt). NEURA Robotics and the other German robotics companies, however, deliver continuously. Hence yesterday's post from my pen, pictured below. Statement: Germany's robotics is further along than the rest of the world's robotics combined. So now NEURA Robotics presents a humanoid robot. David Reger makes a point of saying that it is not for sale, but for discussion.

The following questions are related to the call for discourse:

  1. Does our society need humanoid robots?
  2. If so, should they show emotion or act like a machine?
  3. Society should become aware of how far robotics has already come. If a humanoid robot can be built, how can it still doubt the usefulness of cobots and the rest of robotics?

In a blog entry, Reger mentions the year 2030. Coincidentally (?) by that year, the German Robotics Association wants to see 1,000,000 robots working in Germany, thus reducing the personnel shortage.

NEURA Robotics had already presented the first cognitive robot (humans do something or give voice commands - robots execute) as well as a household robot at the automatica trade fair, which is to come into the living room from 2023. If you don't know NEURA Robotics yet, here is the company presentation. For tomorrow's Friday afternoon I have planned a commentary on the new presentation.

David Reger Opdra
Davide Reger (right) and the author during automatica. A NEURA Robotics robot was enabled to operate a kitchen machine completely independently at the trade fair by means of the "seeing" Opdra software.

The robot is 170 cm tall, weighs 60 kg and is extensively equipped with AI, optics, speech recognition and sensor technology. Press release:

Cognitive humanoid robot

On September 29, NEURA Robotics shared the first video of the human-like robot 4NE-1 via its social media channels. 4NE-1 is a robot for everyone that supports people in all areas of life, learns through interaction and has cognitive abilities. NEURA Robotics is thus demonstrating for the first time what is already possible today by means of artificial intelligence and globally unique technology from Metzingen. 4NE-1 is not a research study, but a smart, everyday robot with extensive technical capabilities that can work safely alongside humans. Anywhere. At any time.

NEURA Robotics' mission statement goes hand in hand with this goal. "We serve humanity" describes the endeavor to make many professions and activities more attractive, safer and more social. Robots should be understood as service providers for humans and an opportunity to maintain today's prosperity despite demographic challenges. 4NE-1 is robust and made for use in the real world. Technically, it carries the know-how of proven NEURA technologies.

20 kg payload could make it an important helper in the medium term

The robot can be a companion, supporter, or anything the human desires, based on individual needs. 4NE-1 can perform a variety of tasks, whether in industry, healthcare or at home. The robot can assist the elderly, clean up, or take on repetitive and dangerous tasks. It has sensitive sensor technology and high precision and repeatability, allowing 4NE-1 to balance itself. The robot moves over a wide variety of terrain and climbs stairs effortlessly, while safely carrying and even balancing objects weighing up to 20 kilograms - making it the perfect all-rounder.

Great mobility with fine hearing

The underlying technologies that make this possible come from the development of NEURA Robotics. In addition to artificial intelligence, force-moment sensors and other hardware and software components, the globally unique "Touchless Safe Human Detection" is a key innovation, thanks to which it is possible for the 4NE-1 to interact safely with humans at its side. The artificial intelligence recognizes different human voices, languages, tonality and emotions and enables natural and intuitive interaction with the robot through speech and gestures. The combination of known and novel robotic hardware, enables the 4NE-1 to perform all types of movements. It can walk forward and backward, climb stairs and turn or bend. Even difficult surfaces, such as gravel, are no problem for the robot.

4NE-1 is the name of the robot

Assistance robot that serves humans but does not replace them

Advanced technologies, such as those that underpin 4NE-1, are key to addressing the many challenges facing society today and in the future. It is important to address these challenges now to help businesses succeed and enable people to do what they love to do. NEURA Robotics designs and builds robots that not only contribute to the success of industrial companies, but also enable everyone to spend more time doing what they love to do. Therefore, the 4NE-1 is the ultimate assistance robot that supports, performs any kind of task and ultimately serves humanity.

About NEURA Robotics

NEURA Robotics is a German high-tech company founded in 2019 in Metzingen near Stuttgart with the goal of revolutionizing the world of robotics.

Our mission is to extend the capabilities of collaborative robots with cognitive capabilities so that they can work with humans in existing environments without having to invest in complex and costly safety systems. We want to help make workspaces more engaging, safe and social. Our motto "we serve humanity" sums up this mission.

Today, the team, from more than 25 countries, works on advanced technologies in the fields of environment recognition, drive and control technology, materials science, mechanical design and artificial intelligence.

With the unique approach of developing all key components such as AI, control software, sensor technology and mechanical components in-house, the development team led by our founder David Reger has made groundbreaking progress in a wide range of areas. In a record time of three years, we have laid the foundations for humans and robots to literally work hand in hand.

The unrivaled cost efficiency and optimal interaction of all components created the basis to drive innovation and define new standards. With products such as MAiRA, the world's first cognitive robot, or MiPA, an intelligent, versatile robot assistant that will support humans in all areas of life, a new era of robotics is on the horizon for mankind.

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In my own account/advertisement
The author of this blog is significantly involved in the AI/robotics project Opdra. He consults around robotics. More about him can be found here.

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