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Brooks: Cobots without arm

One purpose of cobots is to enable collaborative work with humans. By default, cobots consist of one arm with six or seven lines of freedom. Other designs with the same purpose are few. What stands out here is the design familiar from Scara robots. In the past, the inexpensive cobots from France, MIP Robotics, have been presented here. By the way, a low-cost palletizing robot with a payload of 30 kg is currently being developed in Germany in this design. It should be on the market soon. From the USA comes a series of 4 devices, which are also distributed in Germany.

Brooks boasts a special feature

PreciseFlex™ collaborative robots meet the ISO/TS 15066 standard for collaborative robots, which defines the maximum safe contact forces of the robot when it collides with a person in free space. These collaborative robots are the first and only robots proven to limit forces within these guidelines, Brooks said on its website. The robot shown in the video costs about US$25,000, with less expensive models starting at US$20,000. The model in the video covers 1.20 m vertically, 0.73 m horizontally. There is also a separate domain just for the Cobots(link) with more info.

The model shown in the next video seems to be suitable only for a smaller niche. However, the robot may be predestined for this one:

Vowever, are we networking? LinkedIn
-> To the Cobot group on LinkedIn(Link)

In my own account/advertisement
The author of this blog is significantly involved in the AI/robotics project Opdra. He advises robotics companies and investors on market analysis and funding/subsidies. More about him can be found here.

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