Präsentiert vom Deutschen Robotikverband e.V.
AllgemeinCorona/ COVID-19Kosmetik/ Pharma

COVID-19 Testing by Cobot

So slowly it is being communicated more and more openly: The current Corona situation will continue until a vaccine is available. We are also becoming more aware that this vaccine will not be available in the fall, but - according to Bayer's CEO this week - will not be approved for 15 months at the earliest and will then have to be produced in large quantities. Against this background, it does not seem unrealistic that we will have the status quo for at least another 20 months. This will be associated with constant new infections and thus also the question of how they are detected. On the one hand, the work of the testers is not without danger, repetitive, probably highly unpleasant in summer (covered in protective clothing in the heat), and of course costly. This all speaks in favor of the use of cobots.

With a standardized process, only basic programming would be needed; detailed adjustments would then be made locally. Once the pandemic is over, the cobots could be sold. One of the model countries for corona containment is South Korea. Now there is an animation of the local cobot leader Hanwha.

A few days after this first video, the German Hanwha distributor Freise Automation also became active:

In eigener Sache/ Werbung
Der Autor dieses Blogs ist gelisteter Bafa-Berater (Bundesbehörde). Die Bafa finanziert seit dem 03.04. von durch Corona in Schwierigkeiten geratene Unternehmen Beratung zu 100% bzw. bis 4.000 € netto. Aus der Betriebswirtschaft kommend, besteht eine hundertfache Erfahrung in der Ermittlung des Liquiditätsbedarf und der Darstellung der Kapitaldienstfähigkeit. Ab 2015 kam die Robotik hinzu. Daher ist eine vom Staat finanzierte „Doppel-Beratung“ (Finanzierung & Robotik) – auch am Telefon – jetzt möglich. Alternativ auch eine „Einzel-Beratung“. Der Staat bezahlt sie. Details und Links finden Sie hier.

Das Standardbuch „Einführung in die Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration“ stammt ebenfalls aus seiner Feder.

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