Präsentiert vom Deutschen Robotikverband e.V.
No-code programming

Fraunhofer IWU has developed multimodal no-code robot teaching

At the Robotics Festival, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Mohamad Bdiwi. He is head of the Cognitive Human-Machine Systems department at Fraunhofer IWU in Chemnitz. To my astonishment, the know-how in cognitive robotics is not limited to the greater Stuttgart area.

Three options in no-code teaching

The term "no-code teaching" is primarily associated with Wandelbots. With Wandelbots, teaching is limited to the TracePen and to some robot brands. I was all the more surprised that Dr. Bdiwi has developed three approaches to no-code teaching:

  • by finger pointing (similar to TracePen)
  • via gesture control
  • Per language

Maira from Neura Robotics can also be controlled by speech. In contrast, the Fraunhofer IWU software can be used on all (!) robots. The advantages are obvious. Not only does flexibility increase, but the robot can also be set up to be location-independent. Thus, a contactless interaction with robot or automation systems is possible. Further advantages are:

  • Maximum flexibility due to extremely short changeover times
  • Cost-effective and quick to integrate
  • Usable without additional markers or devices

Not only product prospects are welcome

Interested parties of the application can be supported by colleagues of Dr. Bdiwi during the implementation. Implementation in an automation ecosystem or platform, i.e. scalable use by OEMs, also seems conceivable. Perhaps, I had not asked this question, Dr. Bdiwi is also open to investors.

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The author consults around robotics. You can find more about him here.

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