Präsentiert vom Deutschen Robotikverband e.V.

News from the market

Franka Emika reportedly wants to offer a robot with a payload of 10 kg in 2020 (photo). I was subsequently informed by the company that a second cobot will be available, but that the exact specification and the date have not yet been fixed.

TQ Systems in Durlach, Hersteller des Panda, sucht „auffällig“ viel Personal. Interesanterweise hat Franka nun erstmals eine deutschsprachige Website. Den deutschen Mittelstand gewinnt man eben nicht mit dem an der Universität gebräuchlichen Englisch.

Yuanda's first series (60 units) has apparently been sold. Yuanda announces receipt of certification (CE?) on its website for October 2019. Rozum received it in June.

Automata has 3 months delivery time.

Das Gemeinschaftsprojekt „Opdra“ der Firmen OMRON und VisCheck stattet demnächst auf der Schwäbischen Alb den ersten Pilotkunden aus.

Parts of the Augsburg-based HLS Group (part of the Kuka Group until 2015) have filed for insolvency under their own responsibility. HLS has recently also positioned itself as an integrator for Universal Robots.

The author of this blog is available for a walk through your production/manufacturing or also for market research(detail), in order to then make concrete suggestions for the use of cobots and other robots incl. funding opportunities. Both SMEs and large companies are visited. Among other things in Bavaria a 50% investment promotion is conceivable.

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