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Robotics Startups in Europe 2/2

In the second and final part, more startups are presented. Part 1 covered the countries France, Italy and Great Britain (link).


Nomagic is the name of the Warsaw-based startup funded with almost $9 million that has equipped the French e-commerce market leader with an AI-supported pick-and-place solution. The robot used for this is from Universal Robots, albeit with a different colored cap. Very fast Cartesian robots are being developed by TMA-Automation. The company also sells its various solutions in Germany. Already featured in the blog was VersaBox, a specialist in mobile robotics


The Dutch industry is in no way inferior to the German industry. Against this background, it is not surprising that the country is home to Invert Robotics, one of the leading inspection robot manufacturers. ( Accerion, on the other hand, enables mobile robots to navigate buildings with the utmost precision. The company claims to be the world's first to do so without any other aids. Perhaps its past as a great maritime nation shows here. Another supplier of mobile robots is Avular. The startup develops platforms. However, it can be noted that probably no robotics startup has received really big funding in the Netherlands so far. The developer of Akulatoren, IMSystems, already stands out with a rather modest US$5 million. The model shown in the video manages 16 nanometers at a ratio of 25:1.


Switzerland has its own cobot manufacturer, F&P Robotics, which was recently reported. However, this is no longer a startup. Swiss robotics startups usually come from the environment of ETH Zurich or the University of Lausanne. They are initially funded by the state or via foundations in smaller volumes. The previous articles in the blog can be accessed here(link). The video shows the particularly fast Sidebot robot from Wyzo.


Die beiden vielleicht bekanntesten Robotik-Startups aus Österreich sind Airskin und Agilox. Airskin stellt eine Schutzhaut her, die Industrieroboter zu Cobots macht bzw. Cobots eine höhere Geschwindigkeit erlaubt. Agilox gilt als eines der interessanten Logistik-Startups auf dem Gebiet der fahrerlosen Transportsysteme. Es ermöglicht den Paletten-Transport bei einer 360 Grad-Wendigkeit. „Halbe Österreicher“ sind die Stuttgarter Gründer von drag&bot geworden, die nun zu Keba in Oberösterreich gehören. drag&bot ist ein Spezialist für anspruchsvolle No Code-Programmierungen.

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In my own right/advertisement
The author of this blog is significantly involved in the AI/robotics project Opdra. He advises robotics companies and investors on market analysis and funding/subsidies. More about him can be found here.

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