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Franka Emika with sales target of 1 million cobots in 2025

The Munich-based startup Franka Emika has received another award, or rather their founders, the Haddadin brothers. The "EY World Entrepreneur" prize was awarded now and thus perhaps a bit late (the only model, the Panda was introduced in 2017 and is rather rarely seen in domestic companies), but is helpful in that some interesting news can be gleaned from the accompanying coverage. Robotics jobs on the MRK-Blog.deAt Manager Magazine Simon Haddadin cites as a reference a Chinese cell phone manufacturer that uses 1,000 Panda for testing. (Universal Robots' largest customer has also not ordered more MRK from UR over the course of 10 years). When Panda was launched, the very activity of display testing was seen as ideal for the sensitive Panda. I myself could learn at a Panda training how to program the Panda to touch the icons of a cell phone. Somewhat surprising: as a sales target for 2019 (!), the article published at the end of May 2020 mentions a number of 12,000 units, for 2025 already of 1 million units (but definitely before Corona). How the 1 million units are supposed to come about is a mystery to me, since it would take 1,000 of the aforementioned cell phone manufacturers or several 100,000 smaller companies. It therefore remains exciting to see whether the second model announced last year will be launched this year.

In own matter/ advertising
The author of this blog is available for market research or even a walk through your production/manufacturing or by phone based on photos/descriptions at a fixed price(detail), to then make concrete proposals for the use of cobots and other robots incl. funding opportunities. Both SMEs and large companies are visited. Among other things in Bavaria a 50% investment promotion is conceivable. The standard book on cobots also comes from him.

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