Germany: Neura Robotics presents completely new Cobots
The is Germany’s leading Cobot website. Recently it was reported about the planned construction of the company Rethink Robotics (with Siemens as shareholder) of a large Cobot production with some hundred workstations (Link). After yesterday’s presentation of a new Cobot family was a real milestone, the article was translated into English.
David Reger, Managing Director of Han’s Robots Germany GmbH, gave a first look at the new robots of his company. The company is a subsidiary of the Chinese Han’s Robots, which has released the Elfin series. However, Han’s Robots Germany differs from Elfin. The robots developed in Germany operate under the brand name „Neura Robotics“, which was protected only recently. Han’s has been called an investor, but is independent. Therefore the company will change its name to Neura Robotics.
At the beginning two Cobots are offered: Lara 5 with a load capacity of 5 kg at a reach of 80 cm and Lara 10 (10 kg/ 100 cm). The Cobots are naturally designed to be particularly sensitive and easy to operate and are among the few robots with IP 67 protection. Each of the six axes has force/torque sensors. The Cobots are supposed to be cheaper than the previous ones on the market! Very remarkable is the maximum speed of over 16 km/h (4.5 m/sec.). The particularly affordable and soon available Lara series will be supplemented by Mira in the course of 2021. Due to its sensor technology, this Cobot should be able to recognize people in time and thus enjoy its speed even in its vicinity. The Cobot reacts quasi „antimagnetic“ – it deviates from humans. Once the human is off the track again, speed is resumed. Whether this will be possible in Germany is not known to me (occupational safety). In any case, Mira recognizes the human before contact!
A real innovation is the existing speech recognition. Apparently for safety reasons, the Cobot always repeats the command and waits for its confirmation. This takes a little time, of course, but is still helpful if the user does not have his hands available or prefers to talk, for example. The dialog is in English.
The image recognition seems to be mature as well and has some additional features.
The Cobots are complemented by a mobile robot („Mira“) with a load capacity of 1,500 kg and the remarkable dimensions of 91 x 153 cm. The speed of 7 km/ h (2 m/sec.) is decent. Lara and Mira can be connected to form a hybrid Cobot.
It will be exciting to see how Lara & Mira will be distributed. During the presentation potential partners were asked to contact us. However, the low price that is being propagated calls for direct sales via the Internet.
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The author of this blog is significantly involved in the AI/robotics project Boost-Bot. He advises robotics companies on market and business development issues. His standard book about Cobots is also available in English (link).